Thursday, September 26, 2019

Crime Scene Investigator Behind Mysterious and Unusual Deaths Case Study

Crime Scene Investigator Behind Mysterious and Unusual Deaths - Case Study Example There were three types of shoe marks there which indicated three types of footprints in these footprints it also became evident that one of that one out those three people was a female. The way the footprints were placed was favouring the fact indicating that the boy not dead body only struggle with the two men while the woman is standing at one side only watching or recording what is happening which was also raising a doubt that may be the reason of this crime the fight is that woman. A medical expert and police photographer that was there came forward and after all the shots of the body were taken. The medical expert started examining the body by just throwing a careful watch on it and along with that he also started collecting useful information. After this aspect was covered the body was searched for the belongings with the dead body but all his pockets were empty and were torn and it was giving evidence that they had been emptied freshly most probably by the criminal. This aspec t of the investigation gave another picture that he was killed maybe because he had some property with him and the criminals were trying to snatch that. Photographer was taking pictures from all every angle of the body as a set of â€Å"CSI shot† (This is the technique of shooting extreme close-ups, normally with explanatory commentary from one of the characters from the media) (CSI, 2004). Measurements and a rough sketch were made to preserve the scene for further study and investigations and possible reconstruction.

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